"The life of the individual believer, his personal salvation, and personal Christian graces have their being, bloom, and fruitage in prayer." -E. M. Bounds

St. James offers a variety of opportunities for prayer ministry:

  • Sunday morning altar prayer
  • Night of Healing Prayer services offered to the community at St. James
  • Time of Healing Prayer Services held at other locations
  • Individual in-depth prayer ministry sessions
  • Intercessory Prayer Network
  • A variety of training opportunities that include classes, workshops, mentoring, etc.

Healing Prayer

Luke 4:18-19: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

St. James Church has been offering Night of Healing Prayer (NOHP) services to our congregation and community since the spring of 2013. It has been an exciting adventure to see our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilling the verses above in our midst. There have been many healings and breakthroughs as people met Jesus at these gatherings.


Night of Healing Prayer (NOHP) Services are held in the sanctuary at various times throughout the year at St. James for the whole community.

In-DEPTH Prayer


St. James offers private prayer sessions to address inner and physical healing needs. These are held by appointment in a safe and nurturing environment with two Prayer Ministers who are trained in healing prayer and confidentiality. Their role is to help the prayer receiver connect with Jesus for healing in any areas of distress or need.

We have prayer ministers certified in Issue-Focused Ministry through the Restoring the Foundations International Ministry as well as those trained in the general healing prayer ministry that we have offered since 1999For a comparison of the two ministry formats, please see:  Comparison of In-Depth Healing Prayer Options


  1. Review the RTF Ministry Overview for additional information.
  2. Complete the RTF Application Form. This is the official Personal Questionnaire (PQ) from Restoring the Foundations
    1. You can save the PQ to your computer and type directly into the form. Please Note: To ensure that information is not lost, be sure to save the PQ on your computer before typing anything into it, and also save it several times while completing it.
    2. You can print the blank form and complete by hand.
  3. Follow the instructions below for submitting the completed forms.


  1. Review the General Ministry Cover Letter for additional information (For your information)
  2. Complete the General Ministry Application Form (To be completed and returned)
  3. Complete the General Ministry Consent Form (To be completed and returned)
  4. Follow the instructions below for submitting the completed forms.

Note: Printed forms for each of the two types of in-depth prayer ministry are also available in the St. James church office.

Submitting the completed forms:

  1. Completed forms for either ministry options can be submitted via email to or

  2. Printed forms can be mailed/delivered to the church office at the following address:

    Attn: Jane Kilgo or Sandy Blount

    St. James Church

    111 West Lake Dr.

    Athens, GA 30606

Please Note: We will need to receive the completed forms at least a week before your session in order to give your two prayer ministers time to prayerfully study it individually and also meet to develop the ministry plan together.

Classes Offered by Prayer Ministry

Praying Hands  Restoring the Foundations (RTF) 

Restoring the Foundations is an integrated approach to healing and freedom with a focus on these 4 interrelated areas: 

  1. Generational pressures and problems passed down through the family, 
  2. Misconceptions/lies on which we often base decisions and attitudes, 
  3. Soul/Spirit hurts that often wound us deeply, and
  4. Demonic strongholds that can oppress us.
    Please see RTF.

We offer training in RTF’s Issue-Focused Ministry (IFM), which addresses one issue in a person’s life at a time in a comprehensive and complete way. The initial class in that series of training opportunities is appropriate for any Christian who desires to know more about inner healing.

For more information on available RTF classes, please contact Sandy Blount.

Praying Hands Healing Prayer Classes for General In-Depth Healing Prayer

Healing was a major part of Jesus’ ministry and, biblically, believers are called not only to

witness, but to be actively involved in healing prayer.

Level 1

An 11-week introductory healing prayer study beginning on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm will cover:

  • Two days of teachings on Healing Prayer (Setting Hearts Free) from Tommy Hays of Messiah Ministries
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit and gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Healing our image of God
  • Praying for physical healing
  • Introduction to inner healing
  • Introduction to deliverance prayer
  • The healing power of forgiveness

The study utilizes DVDs and study books from Christian Healing Ministries as well as other healing prayer resources. This is the first of two courses offered for those interested in healing prayer, and it is a great study for anyone who just wants to learn how to pray for family, friends and others more effectively. If you have to miss a class or two, you can make it up by checking out an audio CD or confirming that you have read the lesson in the study book. 

Level 2

A 15-week healing prayer study beginning Wednesday, January 8, 2025 from 6:00 -7:30pm that goes into more depth and more topics than Level 1. This study requires completion of Level 1 as a prerequisite. If you have to miss a class or two, you can make it up by checking out an audio CD or confirming that you have read the lesson in the study book. Course content will include:

  • Two days of teachings on Healing Prayer (Setting Hearts Free) from Tommy Hays of Messiah Ministries
  • Christian Healing Ministries teachings on:
    • Sin
    • Praying for forgiveness
    • Understanding generational healing
    • Healing of spiritual abuse
    • How to pray for inner healing
    • Conception to birth prayer
    • Healing of sexual abuse
    • Healing in marriage
    • Healing the wounds of divorce
    • Suffering
    • How to pray for deliverance
    • Depression
    • Healing of abortion and miscarriage

If interested in either Level 1 or Level 2, call or text Bailey Mitchell at 706-202-9161 so books and seating can be lined up. 

  • Class length: 1-1/2 hours. 
  • Class Location: Prayer Room B on 1st Floor (accessible in breezeway at rear of St. James Church, 111 West Lake Dr., Athens GA.