Our youth programming (referred to as Sunday Night Live) takes place on Sunday nights from 6 to 7:30 in our youth building (affectionately named “The Jimmy”). During this time, students from 6-12 grade gather for times of fellowship, food, worship, a message, and small group time.

We give space for students to know one another better through structured games and simply giving them time to know one another. We also provide dinner for students every week, as we’ve found that one of the best ways for people to begin to feel comfortable around one another is for them to share a meal. We typically worship through song as we have both leaders and student leaders lead worship songs to provide space for students to personally encounter God. A biblical message is given each week to encourage both a deeper knowledge of God and to help students understand how to build their personal relationships with God. Students from the Wesley Foundation at the University of Georgia serve as our small group leaders and allow our students to ask questions about the message, learn from one another, and also simply to have a space where they belong and have both peers and someone a few years older than them caring for them.

We absolutely love our youth here at St. James, and we fully believe that God moves in and through our students every single week. There is no such thing as a junior Holy Spirit, and we always want to empower our youth to pursue God fully in this incredibly important time in their lives. Our heart is to not just fill them with rules and knowledge, but to actually give them the tools to know God personally and to create sustainability in their walks with God.